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Entensys is pleased to announce that UserGate Web Filter now incorporates support for fr and de languages. Not only has the interface been localized, but also the morphological analysis system, as well as the dictionaries that the Internet filter works with.
Analysis of webpages for specific words and phrases plays a significant role in filtering Internet resources. This mechanism allows Web 2.0 resources to be visited securely without affecting the comfort of users surfing the web. With morphological analysis it is now possible to block individual pages, rather than complete domains. In this way, a video on an online resource that is supposed to be restricted for children will not lead to access restriction on the whole portal (e.g. YouTube, Facebook), but rather on a specific section (a single page).
The verbal content filtering algorithm is based upon dictionaries, both existing ones and new ones created by the user. A solution that has morphological analysis in its arsenal should support the most commonly used world languages to be able to provide the most effective filtering. It is in this very direction that UserGate Web Filter developers are actively working.
The process of web filter localization, and the creation of vocabulary dictionaries in foreign languages are carried out by native speakers: professional linguists and partners of Entensys overseas. The involvement of these specialists ensures accuracy and high quality of translations, and, above all, enables the dictionaries to be expanded with colloquial phrases and expressions that are up-to-date for each language at this moment in time.
World language support is a major step on the path to transforming the web filter into a fully-fledged “polyglot”. Arabic, Japanese and Spanish are in the company’s plans for the near future. It should be mentioned that the developer already has capabilities to provide support in any language of the CIS.
Also, the benefits of multilingual filtering will soon be available to KinderGate Parental Control users. The localization of this product for schools and home usage is taking place in conjunction with the work on UserGate Web Filter.