Cybersecurity challenges and threats faced today by companies of various size require a careful approach to the design of processes related to information security. We offer a wide range of cybersecurity consulting services aimed to boost the overall security posture of your company.
Our cybersecurity experts will help you design processes that ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.
Security Analysis Service
This includes a range of services to detect vulnerabilities, evaluate your security posture, and proactively search for threats in order to minimize the risks of cybersecurity incidents. You will be able to upgrade your cybersecurity processes and information security systems according to threats that are relevant to your company.
1. Vulnerability scanning and mitigation action identification. This service involves searching for vulnerabilities in the customer's infrastructure. Vulnerability scanning is one of the steps towards the establishment of comprehensive Vulnerability Management (VM) in your company. How often the scans are performed directly influences how up-to-date the knowledge is about the risks that exist in the customer's systems. Vulnerability assessment and risk management allow for a conscious approach to choosing your cybersecurity strategy[.
Vulnerability scanning enables you to:
Detect infrastructure deficiencies in advance
Get recommendations for closing vulnerabilities
2. Security posture evaluation. This service consists of auditing the customer's processes, architecture, and infrastructure for correctness from the cybersecurity perspective. Эксперты UserGate оценят качество построения процессов информационной безопасности, достаточность как технических, так и организационных мер обеспечения безопасности, применяемых в компании.
The audit results will be presented as recommendations for:
- Creating missing or improving existing processes
- Building or updating the threat model and creating an asset inventory
- Reconfiguring the existing information security tools or considering the classes of solutions that will be required to secure the information systems (after agreeing on the threat model)
3. Proactive threat search. This service consists of the search for the traces of compromise in your infrastructure. The current trends highlight the importance of proactive threat search that enables tracing the rogue actor within your infrastructure even before the intended malicious activity manifests.
The Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) concept emphasizes the need to never trust anything, including your own infrastructure. In today's world, we cannot talk about an "organizational perimeter" because the integration boundaries between information systems and users in an organization are closely interwoven. Artificial separation of services and bans on the use of certain resources negatively affect employee motivation, as well as business development.
By assuming that rogue actors can exist both inside and outside, accepting the risks of non-public 0-days in the company's infrastructure, and coming to terms with the very fact of distrusting your own information systems, you will get an environment where the risk of losing the business as a result of malicious actions against an information system will be minimized. Proactive threat search allows you to critically evaluate your systems for illegitimate users or processes, thereby minimizing the risk of unpleasant surprises on a Saturday night.
Proactive threat search makes it possible to:
- Learn about the presence of a malicious actor early
- Take measures towards eliminating the threat
Architecture and Process Design Service
As your company grows, its processes and business needs evolve, and information systems expand. This can create weak spots in the company's security. We will conduct a comprehensive assessment of your current IT and cybersecurity posture and update your existing assets and threats applicable to them. We will use the audit results to prepare a report with recommendations on how to adjust your processes given the current risks, improve your IT architecture and cybersecurity posture, and revise your backup and disaster recovery process.
- Comprehensive process and architecture assessment by cybersecurity experts in accordance with standards and best practices
- Updating assets and building a threat model
- Integrating cybersecurity processes with the company's operations
- Implementing best practices for backup and disaster recovery
- Identifying measures to eliminate the discovered vulnerabilities
More about included services
- Создание реестра активов: создание либо актуализация информации о информационных активах компании.
- Создание модели угроз: создание либо актуализация модели угроз компании в соответствии с текущими регламентирующими документами или трендами ИБ. Оценка риска возникновения угроз для бизнеса.
- Аудит существующего ИТ-ландшафта: оценка архитектуры, инфраструктуры и ИТ-процессов в компании.
- Аудит существующего ИБ-ландшафта: оценка архитектуры, инфраструктуры и ИБ-процессов в компании.
- Аудит существующей нормативной документации и связанных процессов: оценка полноты и достаточности организационно-нормативной документации потребностям компании в части обеспечения информационной безопасности.
- Аудит процесса и выработка рекомендаций по улучшению резервного копирования: оценка текущих процессов резервного копирования и аварийного восстановления и выработка рекомендаций по их улучшению.
- Выработка мер по устранению уязвимостей: подготовка комплекса мер по изменению архитектуры, инфраструктуры и процессов, влияющих на информационную безопасность в компании.
Incident Investigation Service
Any business, regardless of its size, faces cybersecurity threats. Some threats materialize as incidents. A cybersecurity incident is an event that can affect the integrity or availability of information or result in a loss of data confidentiality. Consequences of these events can be critical, including severe financial and reputational damage.
To minimize the risk of incident recurrence, you need to understand:
- Which events caused the incident
- What the timeline was
- Which assets were affected
- Whether the incident is over
- What corrective measures need to be taken
For a comprehensive, high-quality, and quick incident analysis, UserGate offers a team of high-level specialists who will:
- Gather all the necessary data related to the incident
- Analyze the sequence of events
- Identify the compromised assets
- Issue recommendations for eliminating the vulnerabilities that led to the incident
In-Depth Analysis Service
The in-depth analysis starts with gathering the necessary data about the incident, after which events that occurred before, during, and after the incident are analyzed in retrospect. As a result of the analysis, you will learn what assets were compromised and receive recommendations for eliminating the causes that led to the incident.
Malware Analysis Service
Running malware in information systems is one of the basic things malicious actors do. Using antimalware does not provide 100% protection against the infection of information systems. To find out how the potentially harmful software works, it needs to be reverse-engineered to understand its algorithm and the full extent of its malicious activity. This will help contain and mitigate the consequences of malware activities.
Security Awareness Service
The lack of basic "digital hygiene" and knowledge of cybersecurity rules among employees is a major factor that is conducive to malicious activities. However, you cannot blame the user who is probably an expert in a different subject and may not have access to all the theoretical and practical knowledge that IT or cybersecurity people possess. Conducting employee trainings allows you to raise awareness by using straightforward examples to convey the importance of cybersecurity in work-related and personal matters. This will help integrate cybersecurity as a basic habit into all human activities.
By conducting regular trainings, you can:
- Significantly reduce the risk of incidents stemming from incorrect actions by employees
- Improve the cybersecurity culture in your company
- Boost the level of interaction between the company and its cybersecurity personnel
To verify and reinforce employee skills, we recommend conducting drills for staff that practice various scenarios of potential information security incidents.
The UserGate team will:
- Prepare a course suitable for your company, taking into account its needs and values
- Explain complex things in simple terms
- Help reduce the risk of incidents stemming from the lack of awareness among employees
- Boost the general involvement of employees in the cybersecurity processes
- Make the interaction between the company and its cybersecurity personnel more transparent
Services included in Security Awareness
Employee training sessions are a process of raising staff awareness regarding cybersecurity norms and rules, commonly referred to as "digital hygiene". This is a learning format where the principles of cybersecurity are explained using straightforward work- and life-related examples.
Employee drills consist of rehearsing various scenarios involving a malicious actor in order to verify and reinforce employee skills in settings that mimic a real-life incident.