Expertise in Information Security Tools

The cybersecurity team at UserGate focuses on the monitoring and analysis of cybersecurity threats. We study the activities of malicious actors, analyze attacks and malicious software, and identify new threats and trends within the realm of cybersecurity.

The significance and value of UserGate Monitoring and Response Center is to ensure the security of our solutions and protect our customers from cyberattacks.

The UserGate MRC team analyzes data coming from a multitude of sources, such as:

  • Information from public and own honeypots
  • Emergence of new malware
  • Emergence of new vulnerabilities in international databases of vulnerabilities
  • Technology partnerships with other companies
  • Publications from information security researchers

Based on the experience gained from investigating incidents and studying external resources, the team develops new and updates existing signatures, correlation rules, behavioral analysis technologies, and other solutions that provide advanced threat protection for information security tools.

Sources of information about security incidents

UserGate makes its products immune to threats based on:

  • Malicious traffic samples
  • Public proof of concept of vulnerability
  • Information from various CERTs
  • Analysis of collected IoCs

The reports, investigations, and expertise created by MRC are valued highly by our customers and allow them to keep up with the latest developments.